Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chick-fil-a SUCKS!!!

Gay marriage has been all over the headlines lately. I post about it on FB and Twitter a lot, and people have been asking me questions. I thought a blog entry would be the best way to explain how I feel about it. First off, yes I am a Christian, backing gay marriage doesn't make me a non-believer. I believe that Jesus is my Lord, his spirit lives in me, and I try to do what he tells me. I fail sometimes, but I repent and get back on track. I pray constantly, many of my prayers are about what to believe and what to speak up about. I feel that God has lead me to be understanding and loving to everyone without exception.

Okay, someone asked if I back gay marriage, or if I was just trying to get people to think. The answer is a little of both, I back gay marriage because I don't think the Bible should be used as a weapon to take away something that is so clearly a Civil Right.

Here is a great site on how the Bible was used to fight interracial marriage, and the verses used.


From this site:
Jeremiah 13:23: "Can an Ethiopian change the color of his skin? Can a leopard take away its spots? Neither can you start doing good, for you have always done evil."

At least one white supremacist group interprets this passage as implying that one cannot start with a Black-White interracial couple and produce White offspring. 2 However the clear sense of the verse appears to be that if a person has habitually committed evil deeds, it is almost impossible for them to change completely and start going only good.

Now pretty much everyone agrees that this is a civil right, but a long time ago it was viewed in much the same way homosexual marriage is now. Women's rights have also been denied by people saying the Bible was against it. James the Preacher is a character on YouTube, he claims the Bible says women have to be stay at home Mom's, and that they shouldn't be allowed to wear pants, only skirts and dresses. The fact is that the Bible can be interpreted a billion different ways, that's why there are thousands of denominations of Christianity.

I figure that if your a Christian, why do you even need the little piece of paper the city gives you when you get married. Go in front of a preacher, get married in front of your church community and in the eyes of God. I don't really think God cares about your little piece of paper. Why not leave that secular institution to those who are secular. It is insane to me that this is even still an argument.

Here is what seals the deal for me. I put myself in the place of a kid, a kid who has always liked people of the same sex, ever since he can remember. He has fought it, he has prayed, and he has wept over his problem. He goes to church because he loves God and wants to please him. He prays every day, he confides in a few people who also pray for him. Yet he still likes boys, so he decides that he is sinful and disgusting. The people of his church just back it up, they make him feel even worse, he continues to beg God to lift this off him, to make him 'normal'. So this kid has 2 choices, either become an Atheist, or constantly hate himself. He could have the thoughts and just not act, that would be okay right, but no

Mat 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

So basically this kid is sinning just for his thoughts. This just breaks my heart for people, and that's why I speak up about it. I'm not God, I will not tell someone that they are sinning by being gay. I can find many pastors online who say that being gay isn't a sin, and of course I can find many who say it is. So labouring under the assumption that it is a sin, it's still no worse than any other sin. It's no worse than looking down a girls shirt when she leans over, or watching a handsome neighbor mow his yard. Pre-marital sex, divorce, masturbation, lust, watching suggestive movies, these are all equal to being gay if you consider it a sin.


Alllie says its a real shame that people use a tool given to us to help us live a moral live in now used to demoralize a set of people and treat them as less than human. If marriage is a simply Christian institution then maybe only Christians should be allowed to get married. This is how silly she thinks this is. She would like for everyone who reads this blog to put themselves in someone elses shoes, she wants them to remember that in our past Christians weren't allowed to get married. Valentine's day is celebrated because St. Valentine was still marrying Christian even though it was illegal in the Roman Empire. So what gives us the right to do that to someone else when it could still be us fighting this fight.

Stephen (the Atheist point of view). He says he could care less if gay people get married. He doesn't understand why Christians think that it's any of their business. He says everybody is being pretty stupid about it.