Some Questions
What do Atheists believe in?
Do Atheists have a certain book they follow more than others?
Do any Atheists doubt their faith?
So where did we come from?
What if you are wrong?
Are Atheist moral, good people?
Don't you believe all faiths are valid?
Why, if it's not a religion, do some Atheists seem to feel the need to make me believe like them?
So Atheism is a nutshell, they don't believe that any Gods exist. When someone is healed, thank the doctor not God. This seems to be another principle that they believe in. I for one think that both need a thanks, that doctor did attend medical school, residency, and many other upkeep courses, Christian, Wicca, Atheist, the doctor should get his due. They generally believe that the death of their brain means that when they die they are just gone. They believe that if you live a fulfilling life this is no tragedy.
They obviously have no Holy book, but one of the top books seems to be The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. He intelligently defends evolution, and blames Religion for much of the troubles in our world.
Imagine, with John Lennon, a world with no religion. Imagine no suicide bombers, no 9/11, no 7/7, no Crusades, no witch-hunts, no Gunpowder Plot, no Indian partition, no Israeli/Palestinian wars, no Serb/Croat/Muslim massacres, no persecution of Jews as ‘Christ-killers’, no Northern Ireland ‘troubles’, no ‘honour killings’, no shiny-suited bouffant-haired televangelists fleecing gullible people of their money (‘God wants you to give till it hurts’). Imagine no Taliban to blow up ancient statues, no public {2} beheadings of blasphemers, no flogging of female skin for the crime of showing an inch of it. Incidentally, my colleague Desmond Morris informs me that John Lennon's magnificent song is sometimes performed in America with the phrase ‘and no religion too’ expurgated. One version even has the effrontery to change it to ‘and one religion too’
The author goes on to say that of course religion doesn't cause all violence and war. Many other factors can incite violence. I can agree with him on that. I read a good portion of the book, it is fairly interesting, but it didn't change my mind any.
Some Atheists believe that people are allowed to have their own point of view, they validate other beliefs. There are however Atheists who believe that any other view is stupid. They say that praying to God is equal to praying to a milk jug, it has the same odds of making something happen. I'm sure that some doubt their faith just like people of other religions do. A friend told me that they are probably inclined to doubt their faith in foxholes and on deathbeds. I say that if they are so convinced of their faith that they won't admit to any doubt, that they are either lying, or crazy.
Most Atheists seem to subscribe to the no one knows answer when asked about where we came from. This I feel is an honest answer, since no one really knows. Science has theory, so does religion, but it is impossible to prove. Most believe in some form of evolution. Atheist subscribe to science as a sort of belief structure and belief that religion is like science backwards. Science works from data to find an answer, religion starts at the Bible and works back to the building blocks. I believe that not all Christians are disbelievers (after all you can't really dispute some science) when it comes to science, they can be compatible on most points. Atheists reject all ideas of intelligent design.
I have heard it said that if an Atheist is wrong, they hope that whatever God happens to exist judges them on their merit and not lack of faith in said God. I think this is sort of circular logic since they don't believe in God. I guess that if they are wrong it just sucks to be them. However if they are right the people who are religious around the world still face no punishment, so I guess if they are right then we are still good.
Are Atheists moral? I guess the answer would obviously be, that depends. Like Judaism or Paganism there is the good and the bad. Stephen (Sara's husband) is moral, yet he has no book or belief structure telling him to be. He is a great father, and is helpful to those in need. If an Atheist is logical they will see that being kind to others has the best payoff. They also seem for the most part to follow the Golden Rule. Of course there are Atheist murderers, pedophiles, and bigots, but I figure the majority are just nice people who don't believe in God.
at least be kind to me. I can respect you without believing as you do, it is possible. Atheists who act as zealots are no better than any other zealot.
So Atheism isn't a religion? If its not, why do they have such a need to make me disbelieve in God. An Atheist zealot who says that all religious people are stupid is as bad as a Christian who calls Atheists names and attacks them. I understand that some religious people shove their belief on you, but not all of us are like that. I can hear you are Atheist once, and get it, you don't have to say it 20 times. You probably aren't going to change my mind, just like I'm not going to change yours. I am of the opinion that most Atheists have had some sort of falling out with religion.They may have grown up in a fire and brimstone household, and told their questions where dumb. In that case I can see where you are coming from, all questions of a child should be addressed with the most logical answer that they can understand. Some Atheists I'm sure just come to the logical (to them) answer that there is no God, others are raised that way.
I think the understanding is that most people have different opinions, and a fight is not the same as a debate.
de·bate (d-bt) f
v. de·bat·ed, de·bat·ing, de·bates
1. To consider something; deliberate.
2. To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.
3. To engage in a formal discussion or argument.
fight (f
1. A confrontation between opposing groups in which each attempts to harm or gain power over the other, as with bodily force or weapons.
2. A quarrel or conflict.
I do think Atheists are wrong, but I don't think that they are bad people, or that they should be talked down to. I believe that Jesus was God and that he came down to save me from sin. It may seem silly to some, but if it helps me through hard times and makes me happy, then how is it wrong. Also come judgement day I get to do an I was right dance <joke>. I do hope through this blog that I can maybe make people think, realize that everyone is a person, and maybe hate less. Some of the smartest people I know don't subscribe to a religion, but religious people are intelligent to. All points have validity and should be considered, bigotry is never the answer.
Great post. I think you hit the nail on the head. There are moral and immoral people across all walks of life and beliefs. I'm agnostic myself and usually stay out of conversations about religion, but it was nice to read this and so here I am.
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt my religious upbringing played a vital role in straightening me out as a kid and has had a lasting impact on the content of my character. That being said, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. As I got older and began to think more critically, there were conclusions I came to I could no longer ignore.
How did the bible on MY shelf became THE word of God, and as such, Judgement for every one who ever lived.
The Council of Trent was from 1545 to 1563. Essentially, this is when men decided what texts were to be part of the bible and which would not.
This is why we do not see books like "The Book of Enoch", believed to be the oldest man that ever lived and great grand father to Noah, in the bible.
"A short section of 1 Enoch (1 En 1:9) is quoted in the New Testament (Letter of Jude 1:14-15), and is there attributed to "Enoch the Seventh from Adam" (1 En 60:8). It is argued that all the writers of the New Testament were familiar with it and were influenced by it in thought and diction"
Men born over 1500 years after Christ decided what was to be Gods word in the Bible on my shelf and I could not just ignore this.
I could go on, is the Universe only 6000 years old? Did men and Dinosaurs live side by side?
In the 1st century, people didn't know the earth was round what about North and South America and the people that lived there?
I've heard all the answers to these questions, believe me, but after a certain point I could no longer accept them.
Enough of that. I would just like to say that after reading your post, I see critical thinking all over it and I respect that. Enough that I felt compelled to comment on a loaded subject I try to stay clear of.
You said "An Atheist zealot who says that all religious people are stupid is as bad as a Christian who calls Atheists names and attacks them." I couldn't agree more.
If the Christian Heaven does exist, it's my wish that you find your self there someday.
My best to you and yours,
Ok just pointing this out, on the "Are Atheist moral?" question you make it sound like there is not any bad Christians. Atheism isn't actually a religion. To have a religion you must have 2 things and MUST have the two things, 1. a doctrine and 2. a theism. The prefix "a-" means no, lack of, absent of, and without. The word theism is the belief in some kind of higher power. So, if you put them two together you get "A-" "theism" "Atheism" meaning lack of god. Which is why from a technical standpoint Paganism isn't a religion either because of no doctrine (wicca is though)so me being paganistic (sort of) I am not religious though I am Polytheistic.
ReplyDeleteIf not a religion, then it certainly takes faith. I guess my definition was too lax in this matter. Of course there are bad Christians. I was one up until recently, and am still struggling. The real problem that I come across is how do I say "I think you are wrong", but still say that I respect you. I respect your believe in multiple Gods, I respect an Agnostics belief that they just don't know, I also respect that Atheists don't believe in any higher power. In showing respect I sometimes lose the message that I believe how I do... I am Christian, I care for people, and I want them to know the right way to go. That being said, being pushy is wrong in any case.
ReplyDeleteThe point was that a lot of people assume that Atheists aren't moral just because they have no doctrine. I wanted to address this because I have heard it many times. I didn't mean to come off as superior, I don't believe I have anything over anyone else, and if you knew me well you would know I have no moral high ground to stand on.
Job was changed from King James version to the NIV. It frustrates me that they tried to just slip that past us. In the KJ version it refers to the behemoth with it's tail like a tree trunk, that was changed to elephant in the NIV. Last time I checked elephants had tiny little tails.
I have many questions about the Bible, and I guess I could have been considered Agnostic up until recently. Some of my questions still just have no answers, and a lot of the time that irks me...
I've been shown Atheism isn't a religion and doesn't need faith, I retract that statement... Live and learn :)
ReplyDeleteI look back at this blog and wonder why I just don't delete it. I guess it's to remind myself of the great changes I have been through in just a short time. I wish I never thought this way, never dictated to someone what they believe or have faith in.