My view, or Rant in this Case
I right this out of love for my church and family, who I love dearly, but surely they will understand where I am coming from.
I have heard a certain scripture many times in my church life
Revelation 3:15-16
"I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of my mouth"
This scripture is brutally honest, and seems unopened to interpretation. I know that it was a guy writing to a church, but why would it hold true for that church and not ours. To those out there who don't know what I'm talking about John wrote letters in revelation to 7 churches in Asia, and he had some pretty strong opinions for them. I recommend reading it as I have taken this scripture out of text, and you may interpret it differently. I find it ironic that I hear this so often in the Baptist church. Ask other people what they think of us, and I promise the word you will most often hear is 'hypocrites'.
I know many in the church who love God, they eat, breath, and live his word. They are the best of us. I'm sure if you run across one of them they will have a kind word, and any questions will be answered as honestly as possible. Unfortunately there are the other Baptist, the ones with Signs like "Fags go to hell" or "Jesus hates homos". These are not even the worst of us. There is one church that is the epitome of everything hateful and wrong, and we should all be embarrassed that they do it in the name of Jesus. I will post a link here for informational purposed, but it makes me want to vomit just to do that. They even have a bunch of scripture taken out of context to spread their insane brand of religion. However it would be wrong to hate them, we can only pray that God shows them that he spoke love, kindness, and peace.
I love the church I go to, it is so opposite of the hateful Westboro Baptist, don't let those people be what others think of us. I think that many of this path have become lukewarm though, I can attest that I did, and I am regretful. Even the Bible says better one way or the other though, what should this say to us. Don't listen to it, do good for a day, months, a year, then go back. Love God with everything you have, show others the light that he gave you. When you have compassion and peace, tell others where it came from...
Allie's corner
Baptists have always seemed blind to me, strictly believing that that's the only way, no room for errors. As sad as it sounds if seems like most the Baptists Ive met seem willfully ignorant of other views on the world, that is not something I can do. I have always asked questions, and sought knowledge outside that faith. Don't get me wrong, there are some great Baptists out there who are nothing but kind, informative, and very well educated, but unfortunately there are Baptists out there who give Christians a horrible name.
The Baptist Church
The sermon is usually pretty basic. We go into church, yes the men and women sit together. Modest dress is appropriate, although I have noticed this is not strictly followed. People socialize, then they sing. Some old-school churches still sing out of a hymnal, others project choruses onto the walls. The organ and other instruments are played, most of the time someone sings off key loudly :) It's probably me... Sometimes the announcements are read and there is a children's sermon given on the steps to the stage. Often a table sits in front of the podium, inscribed on it is This do in Remembrance of Me, referring to the lords supper. After that there is special music and the offering is taken.
The preacher preaches next, usually he makes jokes about how long the sermon will take (really not a joke), and he probably mentions football... we do live in Texas. He then gives a message explaining his take on some scripture. In my church we are learning about Jesus' parables, interesting stuff. As anything in the Bible can be interpreted many ways, I have never heard 2 sermons that are the same. After that the preacher lets anyone come up who needs anything, to join the church, profess their faith in Jesus, their want to get Baptized, or their desire to know more. People also go up to pray on the stairs, yes Kleenex is provided. After that Sunday School, for more Bible learning, and probably food. Baptists love food, and I love that they love food. They usually have afternoon church on Sunday, or some sort of church get together. They also have church or choir practice on Wednesday night.
Baptist Beliefs
You can't be unsaved... or Once saved always saved
Baptism after you reach an age where you can decide for yourself, or the age of accountability, but you don't have to get baptized, its a symbolic thing.
The Bible is book they call on for all their beliefs
They have the Lords Supper... A truly southern spin on communion, and they don't do it every Sunday
The Trinity is God, His Son Jesus, and The Holy Spirit. They are 3 in one, Baptists don't believe themselves to be polytheists
Know Jesus- Go to Heaven... don't- Go to hell, no grey area...
Homosexuality is not what God wants, but you shouldn't condemn then, judgement is for God (I've heard it like this, all sins are equal, so they are no worse than anyone else)
Generally no female pastors
Divorce and birth control are allowed, it is a common belief that Baptists don't dance, however at this time that is not true, Ive seen some that drink too, not sure what the main belief is on this though, probably everything in moderation.
Generally considered Right Wing officiated, although this is not a strict rule.
-On a side note I have to say that what I miss most about church back in the day is something called a 5th Sunday Sing. If you don't know what that is, and are Baptist, you are missing out. If the month had a 5th Sunday the afternoon service would be spent just singing. Maybe it's because my Dad is a music minister, but it's my fondest memory.-
Most Baptist are pretty nice, but you will run into a few crazies.
The thoughts of an Apathist (thanks hubby)... "Meh, all Christians run together to me, except Catholics, and snake handlers. They laser beam in on certain scripture, and that's what they subscribe to, forgoing everything else. They think they are right, and everyone else is wrong"
Episcopal church next week...
ReplyDeleteI've been to a few baptist churches around here and I'd say you summed it up pretty well from what I've experienced there lol not that I have any authority on this topic whatsoever ;)