Friday, November 18, 2011

Incase you misunderstood

     As I just pointed out to my Mom over the phone, I am not trying to lead anyone astray here. I agree with most Baptist beliefs, don't get me wrong, but I am also still learning from the Bible, and praying to understand the truth. I don't want people to get on here, read about another religion, and convert. Not based on what I say. If you ask directly I will tell you that I think the right way is through Jesus. I just wanted some questions answered, and hey, why not put it online. Why does it matter, apparently the world is ending any day now :)
     I don't want to come at it from a biased perspective, no one likes that, and I don't really think it saves souls, it scares people off. I know this from experience. Don't be scared for me either, I am not weak willed, or stupid, I can do this without being lead to Hell, if you are scared for me, pray for me. I can always use a prayer. Also, I just feel right doing this, in my recent nights of praying and asking what to do next, this is what it came to. Since I started writing this I've had the most peace I have had in awhile. I slept last night without dreams of people I love burning in Hell, or frightening scenes from the end of the world.

Matthew 7:15-20
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. (16) You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? (17) Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. (18) A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. (19) Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. (20) Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

    This is the scripture I have been studying from the Bible lately, it makes me curious though. Jesus was a prophet, yet people do awful things in his name. Would that be considered his fruit? I don't think it is, his direct fruit was good... i.e. the apostles. So don't judge our writing unless you notice bad fruit, I will be open to what you say.
     I have also been reading the Quran (just reading it, don't freak out). I am currently trying to get a Torah on my phone in English, having a hard time with that... I don't want to scare my Mom, I am in no way converting, but there are sooo many religious stereotypes, and almost none of them are true. Jews have joy in their faith, so do Catholics, they aren't all gloomy and sad. Muslims are for the most part peace loving and intelligent. People of all religions just want a little understanding, not a bucket full of your faith on their head every day. If you have an Atheist friend, tell them how you believe when it's appropriate, in a calm conversation. Don't hold them down and put oil on their head, don't throw holy water on them. I promise these things won't work. Stop talking out of your hiney about things you know nothing about, research and go from there. An informed opinion is always better received than an ignorant one.



  1. I love you Sara! I think it is commendable that you want to learn for the sake of knowledge. Knowledge is what the world needs more of...ignorance is what we need less of. I think that if this is what brings you peace then this is what God wants you to do. You are not hurting anyone, and as far as I know the Bible doesn't say anything about remaining ignorant to the beliefs of others (but it may, I really don't know lol). You just have to keep what you believe in mind and not be easily swayed against that. Best of luck! I would be happy to help if you ever need any! I can be unbiased as well! I am very interested in going to the Buddhist temple with you guys lol I just want to go check it out!

  2. I think it's always good to study, reflect and strengthen your own beliefs. But probably the best words Jesus spoke to defend himself and his church was "I am the truth, the way and the life; no man comes to the Father but by me." It doesn't get much plainer than that.

    A common myth in our Christian churches is that Satan is always scary and dark and foreboding. But the bible is clear that he can come disguised as an angel of light; and will in fact do so in the final days before Christ comes back. This will be his greatest deception of all. And he won't come in a scary form. It will be acceptable to the people living in that age. In the meantime he can also use other belief systems and even religions to make people feel that they are okay just as they are and that Jesus isn't the only way to heaven and eternal life with God.

    But you are right about not bashing people over the head with your faith and beliefs. People will only believe in God and Jesus under conviction of the Holy Spirit. And we never know what the Holy Spirit may use to bring about that conviction. Sometimes it is simply living your faith so others can see Jesus in you. Sometimes it is being kind to others. And it can even take the form of intelligent discussions, or commiserating with someone going through a rough time and comparing notes. The point is, the Holy Spirit is the one at work using many methods to reach the lost or confused. He can and does work through us, so it is always good to be mindful of our attitudes, words and actions. We never know who is watching.

    And hypocrites in the church? You betcha! The church is a hospital for the sick and lost. Not everyone in the church is saved and not everyone in the church is there for the right reasons. Sadly, many of these hypocrites are in positions of power and authority. They, indeed are wolves in sheep's clothing. And they bear bad fruit, setting bad examples and causing others to stumble. A person would be hard-pressed to find a perfect church with perfect people. The churches are full of people just trying to stay afloat or are searching for answers. Don't let a hypocrite keep you from going to church or from believing in God.

  3. I love your comment Lorrie. I hope that everyone can be moderate in their comments. I fear that if more people read this, I hope they will, but I don't expect it, that the comments will get rude, or critical. I hope that doesn't happen. My Mom is scared that by doing this I will lead others from Jesus. I have prayed about it and I think it is best illustrated with the Parable of the guy sowing seeds. I will plant the seeds, He (God) will help them grow. I do know that some people will not accept my faith, so if nothing else this will give them some other things to think about...
