Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fundamentalism is a four letter word.

     When we started this blog the goal was to show all different faiths in a (mostly) unbiased way. We have found that nearly impossible. Both of us identify as Christian, and it's very hard to separate that from what we read and see. Another thing we have found is that it is hard to write about something you aren't interested in, some religions are just more colorful than others. The last thing we discovered, and I guess we were fairly naive about it, is that Atheists and Fundamental Christians are fighting a very angry, and mostly pointless battle on the Internet. I have been following a diverse set of people on Twitter, I'm fairly new to it, but I wanted to see what kind of people were out there. I followed Atheists, LGBT activates, Fundamentalists, Muslims, Jews, and all sorts of other people. (Sara7133, if you want to follow mine). The fighting is fairly nasty, the folks from the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) tweet up a storm, and their tweets are as nasty as their signs. Tweets like this are very common from that set

Fred Phelps Quotes @FredPhelpsQuote 
Now the sodomites have taken over America. There isn’t 1 politician that doesn’t jump every time a fag squeals. Maybe it's too late for USA.

Jonathan Phelps @GodShakes  
More @US Army song: Hating God, cowards hearts, ziplock bags for body parts, and your Army goes marching to hell.

That isn't even scraping the surface of their insanity. Here is one from Godswordislaw, another evil person who has decided to embarrass Christianity.

Dr. Keith Roberts @GodsWordIsLaw  
Christians are the founders of America and WE determine who gets rights in this country - and pervert homosexuals should not get any.

The other side isn't much better, it seems there are Atheist fundamentalists, and they are also pretty mean. The common belief among Atheists seems to be that Christians are stupid. It's just not true, just because the loudest Christians are ofter ignorant doesn't mean the rest of us are. I find it a little offensive, but the only way to prove it wrong is to calmly show them over time that you aren't dumb, and it does seem to take a lot of time.

Another atheist @kaimatai  
Creationism died as a biological model 150 yrs ago, yet its brainless-tail keeps twitching today #atheist #atheism

Monica @Monicks  
To be able to cling to your religious beliefs, you have to ignore science & facts—that's when you come across as an idiot. #atheism #atheist

     The fact is that these fundamental Christians are scaring people away from Jesus. Muslim fundamentalists scare Americans, they make all Muslims look bad, but from personal experience I know that most Muslims aren't scary people. Once again though, the loudest are the scariest. Religion has a very dark side, Christians need to work as a group to dispel these attitudes, only when we start speaking kindly to those who believe differently will people see that fundamentalist are the exception, not the rule. People who are part of the LGBTQIA set seem to be common in the Atheist community, and are sometimes pretty angry. Of course they are, they are treated terribly, what do we expect? I might be angry if all through my life I had been considered a second class citizen, shoot, I'm still a little angry at how the Bible talks about women, but that's something I have been trying to sort out for years. Just because I don't like it, doesn't mean I don't believe it :)
     Atheists, Muslims, Jews, Pagans, and Christians are all just people. We should all take them on a case by case basis, not as a whole. Twitter, Facebook, Google +, these seem to be the new battleground of faith. The problem is that you can't really get a good feel of how people are in real life on these sites. How can I tell sarcasm from sincere belief, unless you put the word in the message? People are also more bold online, it's easy to be loud when you remain in relative anonymity. The sad fact is that the rudeness and hate on these social forums won't end anytime soon, or ever...

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