Twitter has brought to my attention a player against rights for homosexuals. Godswordislaw is a WBC like character that seems to hate everyone who isn't him.
We would love to give some of our feelings on this blog post. His first point is about liberals, we certainly don't agree that liberals are the forked tongue monsters that he plays them out. I'm not one, Allie isn't either, I am personally right-wing with some liberal views IE... freedom of choice, everyone's right to marry. He seems to think that all liberals are gay-hippy-atheists, this just isn't true. Many Christians support a liberal agenda...
This is just one example. Also to be frank I don't believe that you can just say that abortion is wrong without a scenario. What about cases of severe retardation, where the child will have no quality of life? What if to give birth will cause maternal death? What about rape/incest cases? They don't want Muslims to have extra rights, just the same rights that any other religion has, it's laughable to say they are seen as equals in the country. Check for our views on homosexual marriage a few paragraphs down...
I'm sure some liberals are smelly hippies, but surely not all of them.
His next point was about Atheists. Now as a rule these guys our neither of our favorite groups of people. We have had some unpleasant interactions, but they have the same rights as the rest of us. Atheists are not only not irrelevant, but they seem to be necessary... who else would keep us on our toes? They make it a must for us to embrace science and try to prove our theories. Even when not given respect by a group/faith, we strive to meet their rudeness with kindness and intelligence. They deserve the respect and tolerance we are asking for. Atheism grows in population by leaps and bounds every year. Just because they are a current minority doesn't mean they they always will be, and it doesn't mean we can stomp all over them. We can really play devils advocate on the nativity scene, after all it was in front of a court house, but the Atheist group wasn't even in Texas. I can't say whether Atheists as a whole are striving for a God free America, but it's my right to strive for an America filled with God. So it is also their right to do the opposite.
Ahhh the homosexuals. These poor guys/gals/whatever can't catch a break, first off they grow up probably scared to death to be themselves. Then they are thrown into a world where they have to continually fight for the same rights that straight people have. Do I think being homosexual is Biblically wrong, yes. Me and Allie agree on this, but we both believe that it's not an offense you go to Hell for. It's no worse than anything else, and science could still show that it has a strong genetic component. If that is proven true then maybe we misread the texts, to say that we speak for God is infinitely arrogant, and sort of stupid. The same text in the Bible can be interpreted 10 different ways... and after all John 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. This doesn't mean pray for forgiveness then throw a rock. It means don't judge, and since no one is without sin, this means you.
Do we think that gay people should be allowed to get married? Of course we do, it's a basic human right to get to be with the person you love. It really isn't the governments business at all, it is one of the most personal decisions of all. Homosexuals are perfectly capable of raising children... Lets take the happy child from the gay couple, and stick em with the abusive, molesting, crazy fundamentalist family... That ought to work out perfectly. I live across from a nice lesbian couple, their child is healthy and happy, and seems to be perfectly normal. AIDS is no longer just a homosexual problem, as this guy seems to think it's the sole problem bogging down our healthcare system. Many straight people have AIDS, look at Africa, most of those dying of AIDS were strait. It's a matter of proper STD protection, and education on sexual health. They seem completely uninterested in controlling our churches, they just want to be allowed through the doors. Also the only inferiority complex they have is one that was given to them.
Muslims, first off this guy strikes on one of my pet peeves. This country was founded on the principles of religious freedom, not on Christianity, it's blatantly written into our Constitution that we are free to practice, or not practice any religion. Muslims are just looking for the right to not be fire bombed at Friday night service. They don't want to impose Shariah Law on us, they just want the right to practice it, like Catholics, and Jews. I have yet to have an unpleasant interaction with a Muslim...
Okay Feminism, and the only place where I even slightly agree with this guy. I believe Feminism started out with honorable intentions, they wanted equal rights for women. For the most part we have succeeded, for the most part. I will agree that there are still areas in which we could improve. Lately however it seems that they are making a mockery of the father figure. I'm sure this isn't true for Feminists
This guy is the subject of a petition to get him off Twitter and other social forums. I say leave him be, he is obviously not a very happy person. He is to busy picking out the wrongs in others to pick out the wrongs or rights about himself.
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