Thursday, November 17, 2011

What is an apathist?

     Well I call my husband an apathist... here is why. "When I think about heaven or hell, what happens when you die, or what happened before you existed, I just can't bring myself to care"-Stephen. No amount of him going to church has changed his mind, nor has the birth of our children. He stopped believing in anything when he was 8, because he found out santa didn't exist. He says if santa was a lie, then his parents were probably lying about that too. This is why I didn't want to tell my children that santa was real.
     He is NOT an Atheist, he doesn't care if God doesn't exist, you have to have faith to be an Atheist, faith that God isn't real. I will be asking for his opinion from time to time, seeing as he will have a different perspective. He comes up with some real winners sometimes.  I love him, and since I am Christian I hope that eventually he will believe like I do, but I respect that he feels the way he does.

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